Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Photo Inventory

Yesterday, we produced a full photographic inventory of equipment bought with the yawl. A photographic inspection of tanks and other hard to view parts of the hull is also included.

I did give the hull a quick scrub to show up anything that may have been hidden, but generally all photos show the boat as we bought it.

Monday, 22 August 2011

Devon Yawl 171

One yawl collected - one long day

We finally collected the yawl, the only problem was that the road base was not up to the 200 mile journey from Poole to the West Midlands (her home wile under refurbishment) and we lost a wheel!!! I was following the boat in my car and watched the wheel bearing blow out, by the time we got to the car park at a nearby Tesco the wheel had almost fallen off completely!
Good news was the AA towed the boat back for us!

Lessons Learned

Always check the road base thoroughly!! Even if the base has been "serviced".
The AA will tow a boat back home for you  :  )

Some photos for your amusement: